If someone is not productive at home, most probably he is even more disturbing in office - pretending to be busy, 'networking', poor skills but high self opinion. And, if he can being lazy at home and still can do his quota - kudos to him. If not, it will be visible in his results. I see no issue here.
Productivity is easy to trace using KPI. Haven't seen any dramatic changes pre, mid, and post pandemic there.
Sure, again - how was her KPI's? My home space is ergonomically 10 times better than my 'modern' office interiors. I agree that is a limitation, but it is really difficult to extrapolate any causality here.
How is that a loss? If all work is done, and he pays the same for the office, how having space and not hitting each other's elbows is a loss? Actually less people in office is less energy used, less water, coffee and stuff. This is exactly what this article is talking about - narcissistic bosses who simply miss meddling and micromanaging everything. No matter if all is going well, if it is going well but can't put the result to own name, they just get mad.
And still funny, in general, to see how many people are full of envy for people who have any kind of control on their own work environment. "I sit 60 hours in office, you have to do same as well or you're sooo entitled!" stuff. Nice salt to main popcorn in my HO