Better at what, range sure, polluting urban areas' hell yes, giving money to countries who are enemies of democracy 100%. Nicer to drive, not on your life.
Oh no! Not the democracy hating the ones that supply cobalt and nickle for EV batteries via slave labor. Definitely not doing the same thing as oil based vehicles.
It's not just range. Repair costs and accessibility are far better on ICE vehicles. That's going to matter a LOT more to urban owners then pollution, virtue signalling doesnt put food on the table. Not everybody wants a macbook for a car.
As for the man, when the environmentalists stop fighting nuclear power as a viable replacement for coal and nat gas, I'll believe they care about pollution. As it stands, they'd rather burn off tremendous amounts of nat gas to make electricity and get rid of nuclear because it's "icky" and somehow claim they are reducing emissions.
1000s of of the largest companies companies on the planet are totally wrong.
But the 12.5 people here worshiping the ICEs and the fossilized oil companies are all 128% correct.
The same dinosaurs-to- be who vommed exactly the same gems about solar energy, wind energy, etc.
Large companies make terrible decisions all the time. Remember who BMW and coca cola supported in the 30s? Giants like sears, enron, nokia, blackberry, ece mismanaged themselves into extinction?
The push for solar and wind ignores the needs of baseline power, and the same people pushing for green energy violently oppose nuclear power, which has been viable since the 60s. Modern gen IV reactors are nothing like the gen II three mile island style (and three mile failed correctly, but people will freak out because MuH rAdIaTiOn) yet we see nuclear decommissioned in favor of natural gas, which emits far more CO2 and relies on fossil fuels, as a "green" energy. This is what we call "hypocrisy".