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Similar Games
Our editors hand-pick similar games based on a broad set of criteria: they may be direct competitors targeting the same player base, or they could be games that share similar themes, gameplay mechanics, or artistic styles.
In 2011, Japanese developer From Software released Dark Souls on the PS3 and Xbox 360 (PC version in 2012). Critics overwhelmingly praised the game for its world building, unique gameplay, and ability to reward players for their perseverance. But the...
Dark Souls Remastered is a technically better version of an already-exceptional game. While the Switch version may lack some of the higher-end features available on other platforms, it still presents a more pristine version of the original, and...
Dark Souls Remastered is a good reminder how far we’ve come in the last seven years. This is almost all nostalgia, with the potential to grab newer players and show them where the series more or less started. It’s beginning to feel a little dated, with adjustments to combat and movement from newer games not being implemented, but there’s still the sense of overwhelming gratification when playing, not to mention intense strategy.
The original PC release of Dark Souls was a train wreck, offering PC gamers with limited graphical options, a locked internal resolution that can be stretched to fit onto the player's monitor and a maximum framerate of 30FPS.PC gamers were extremely...
La licence Dark Souls a sans conteste possible fait des émules. Beaucoup de joueurs l'ayant découverte à travers le troisième opus, Bandai Namco et FromSoftware se sont dit que ça serait pas mal d'offrir de vendre une version Remastered. On avait déjà...
Dark Souls. Mal wieder. Spielt es, eines der besten Spiele überhaupt und so weiter. Kennen wir alles, wissen wir alles, ist so, lest das hier, hier und hier nach.Die gute Nachricht zuerst, das alles gilt auch für die Switch. Wenn ein Spiel so gut ist,...