How to install IrfanView PlugIns?
- Download all PlugIns, see below
- Click on the PlugIn file (irfanviewpluginsXXX.exe)
- PlugIns will be installed into IrfanView "PlugIns" directory
Note: A normal IrfanView version includes the following (most important) PlugIns:
- Effects
- Paint
- Ansi2Unicode
- Icons
- Slideshow-EXE
- RegionCapture
- Tools
- Video
What's New
- Fixed problem with network paths in Save-As dialog>
- Fix for text alignment in Insert Text dialog (selection/canvas)
- SVG PlugIn loading bugs fixed (thanks to nerty_nerty)
- Option for Dark mode: Properties->Viewing (works best with Windows 10/11) (thanks to Richard Yu, Stephen Eckels, adzm)
- New option in Insert Text dialog: Text rotation (90 deg for vertical text)
- New in Slideshow dialog: Option to set different time for each file (new button: "Change time" for selected files)
- "Paste into Selection": Second paste (CTRL+V) will also apply the image
- New Hotkey after "Paste into selection": SHIFT + Click within selection: Apply pasted image and keep selection
- New Edit menu: Apply image effects to inverted selection (non-selected area)
- New option in Properties->Editing: Set custom filename for pasted image
- Option to read XMP data in the IPTC dialog (thanks to Lee Thomason)
- New Histogram effects in Effects Browser dialog (thanks to Richard Heurtley)
- Improved support for tabs in text in Insert Text dialog (CTRL + Tab)
- New PlugIn for AVIF format
- The Replace File dialog shows preview of both images
- The Fine Rotation dialog can be resized
- New in Fine Rotation dialog: draw a straight line to rotate
- The Histogram dialog can be resized (Local dark mode using right button)
- Slideshow/Automatic mode will suspend system sleep while running
- Command line: "/append" will append all pages from the input file (if "/page" option is not used)
- SVG PlugIn loading bugs fixed (thanks to NerTy)
- JP2 PlugIn loading bug fixed (CVE-2023-26974, thanks to overXsky)